
Craig Canapari MD

Transform Your Child's Sleep with These Myth-Busting Tips!

Published 2 months ago • 1 min read

Hey there,

Navigating the tangled web of pediatric sleep advice can feel like an endless quest, especially when you're up against a barrage of myths and misinformation. That's precisely why Arielle and I decided to tackle some of the most pervasive sleep myths head-on in our latest episode of "The Sleep Edit," aptly titled "Sleep Myths."

We dive deep into the misconceptions that might be sabotaging your child's sleep, from the misunderstood concept of wake windows to the contentious debate on sleep training. Our mission? To arm you with the facts and insights you need to guide your child towards better, more restful sleep, backed by our professional experiences and the latest in sleep science.

If you're ready to peel back the layers of confusion and uncover the truth about pediatric sleep, I highly encourage you to give this episode a listen. Click here to tune in and start transforming your child's sleep tonight. And because this information is too good to miss, click here for a second chance to dive into the myth-busting action.

Together, let's bid farewell to sleepless nights and welcome a future of restful slumber for our little ones.

Warmly, Craig

Craig Canapari MD

Pediatric sleep Expert

I'm a pediatric sleep doctor, author, and in my day job I run the Yale Pediatric Sleep Center. I've been writing about pediatric sleep issues for tired parents since 2012. Join my newsletter to get the best information about sleep problems (and solutions) in children.

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